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New arrivals At Pennywell – Devon Tourist Attraction

We have new Pennywell miniature piglets! There have been three litters in three weeks so will plenty of piggy cuddles can be had over the summer at Pennywell Farm, Devon Tourist Attraction.

Doris, Charlotte and Ruby all gave birth to beautiful, healthy piglets and mums and babies are all doing very well.

We also have a new donkey foal, born to the lovely Fern. the little lass who has yet to be named is all ears and legs at the moment but she’s doing well and Fern is being a wonderful mother.

There are also goat kids born over the past month or so and plenty of pet babies including guinea pigs and and some rather gorgeous Rex rabbits. The pets area and the piggy cuddles area are open all day every day, so what are you waiting for? PDP_7556

This story appeared on June 22, 2015

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